Our 2021 Lineup

    In the summer, the garden housed a variety of crops. We try to choose unique ones that the pantry might not have. This was the starting lineup: Okra, Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, String Beans, Peppers, Jalapeno, Radishes, Herbs, Carrots, Onions, Fennel. We learned that Cherry tomatoes are a favorite for the kids at the pantry, and the Okra was a big hit since no one else provides it there. The bench consisted of Squash, Broccoli, Cabbages, Zucchini, Chives. We coined this “the bench” because we tried and half failed with these crops. The squash got several squash bugs, so only a few were harvestable. The chives were incredibly invasive in the beds, so we moved them to the pink tub for disposal. Surprisingly, they grew in the tub (in the pockets pictured) and flourished. So maybe not the bench for them; they were more of a sub-in for the second half. Cabbages and Broccoli weren’t a total fail either. The only issue was that they gained too many creatures towards the end of the harvest season, so we had to remove them sadly.


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